As bedsharing and cosleeping families who choose not to sleep train, it is all too obvious that most tv shows, books, and movies depict normal baby sleep as babies sleeping alone in their crib, often being sleep trained. But what if that just doesn’t work for our family? It’s nice to have some representation of our own sleeping situations, especially so that our children know that sleeping together as a family is very normal, so normal that families all around the world have slept in the same sleep space since the beginning of time!
Admittedly, it is really hard to find this representation. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 8 wonderful children’s books that either normalize cosleeping or positively depict families sleeping together. Keep reading to see which books made the list!

Tad and Dad By David Ezra Stein
This adorable story is about a frog and his dad. Dad tries to tuck the little frog into bed in his own sleep space every night, but Tad ends up in Dad’s bed! When Tad eventually sleeps in his own bed, Dad can’t sleep without him. The story ends with the two sleeping together, and Tad suggests that his dad just needs some company. Get it here.
Good Night Farm by Patricia Hegarty
This story isn’t about humans, but it does depict all kinds of animals and their babies who snuggle up at night. Hint: many children’s stories about animals depict cosleeping and snuggling because it’s absolutely normal and biologically appropriate! Get it here.

Together We Sleep by Dr. Laura Koniver
This is such a precious book for bedsharing families! This story explores animals who sleep together at night as well as humans all over the world who share a family bed. Get it here.
Dad By My Side by Soosh
This is such a simple, sweet story about a child and dad. There are a few depictions of cuddling during sleep as well as the two sleeping in the same bed. Get it here.

The Napping House by Audrey Wood
A super silly story about a whole household of humans, pets, and other critters taking a nap together on a big bed! Get it here.
The Big Bed by Bunmi Laditan
This is a hilarious story about a little girl who tries to convince her dad to sleep alone so she and her mommy don’t have to share the bed with him. Get it here.
The Cuddlers by Stacy Towle Morgan
This story is about families who share a a bed together. Perfect for families who resonate with the idea of the “family bed”. Get it here.
Babies Can Sleep Anywhere by Lisa Wheeler
A cute story about all of the random places babies can sleep – including on their parents and in baby carriers. Get it here.
Let me know in the comments what you think of this list, or if you have any other suggestions!
Are you wondering how to bedshare safely with your infant? Check out this blog post! If you are in need of help developing realistic goals and expectations, or just needing more sleep support, grab one of my comprehensive eCourses (the Infant Sleep Foundations eCourse or the Toddler Sleep Foundations eCourse). If you’d prefer 1:1 support, you can book a call or support package.