Baby Sleep

New Study Reveals Why Even Physicians Choose to Bedshare with Their Babies

For years, parents have been told that bedsharing is dangerous and should always be avoided. Pediatric organizations issue blanket recommendations against it, emphasizing risks without acknowledging the biological realities of infant sleep—especially for breastfeeding families. But here’s the thing: even physicians, who are trained to discourage bedsharing, often end up doing it themselves. A study published […]

New Study Reveals Why Even Physicians Choose to Bedshare with Their Babies Read More »

Does cosleeping make children anxious and more dependent?

If you chat with enough people about your decision to cosleep, you’re bound to come across a person who believes that cosleeping results in dependent and anxious children. Not only is this a common belief that people have, but if you do a quick Google search, you will come across articles and publications that claim

Does cosleeping make children anxious and more dependent? Read More »

Sleep Training Regret: How to Repair After Sleep Training Your Child

This is a sensitive subject, but it is a question I get asked quite often. I attempted to sleep train my first baby, so I’ve been there, and I totally understand the feeling that comes with the pressure to sleep train and believing it is something that you have to do, or your only option

Sleep Training Regret: How to Repair After Sleep Training Your Child Read More »

The Best Non-Toxic Pajamas for Babies and Children

Let’s start from the beginning. Toxic pajamas?! Why are kids’ pajamas toxic? Did you know that many pajamas for babies and children that are currently being sold in stores are treated with flame retardants? Why are there flame retardants in kids’ pajamas? Here is a super brief summary of why there are even flame retardants

The Best Non-Toxic Pajamas for Babies and Children Read More »

Is Your Child’s White Noise Machine Actually Dangerous?

Many of you have probably heard the claim that white noise can actually damage our babies’ brains, and I have too. People who hold this view assert that white noise machines have the potential to cause hearing loss, may impact auditory processing, and can even cause speech delays. I’ve dived into the research that is

Is Your Child’s White Noise Machine Actually Dangerous? Read More »

The Surprising Sleep Factor That Might be Impacting Your Mood More Than How Often Your Baby Wakes

If you ask most people what impacts postpartum depression and anxiety the most, they will likely say sleep. Because honestly, sleep (or the lack thereof) is a huge part of life with an infant, and it can be extremely difficult to deal with constantly disrupted sleep. But it might not be exactly the sleep factor

The Surprising Sleep Factor That Might be Impacting Your Mood More Than How Often Your Baby Wakes Read More »

How to Reduce The Time Spent Rocking and Bouncing Your Child to Sleep with One Simple Strategy

If you rock and bounce and walk your child to sleep for what seems like hours every night, you need to keep reading. I’m going to tell you why your child might need this, and give you a super easy strategy you can use to reduce the need for so much movement at night. You’ll

How to Reduce The Time Spent Rocking and Bouncing Your Child to Sleep with One Simple Strategy Read More »

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  • Review of a comprehensive sleep intake & assessment
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  • 60 minute 1:1 virtual consult
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