5 Simple Ways to Incorporate More Outdoor Time Into Your Family’s Daily Routine

Is anyone else trying to do the 1000 hours outside challenge? We have always prioritized outdoor time, but this is the first year we are actually tracking how many hours we spend outside, and honestly, we are pretty behind. Living in a location where January and February are super cold, we don’t get out much, and so we are trying to play catch up while the weather is gorgeous. But, sometimes, it’s still tough to be outside as much as we’d like. So while we love to go to the park, go for nature hikes, and just go explore outdoors, I also try to incorporate natural and organic outdoor time into our daily routines, in a way that doesn’t feel forced or stressful. Here are the top 5 super simple that my family increases our daily outdoor time:

1. Eat meals and snacks outside.

When the weather is appropriate, we try to have all meals and snacks outside. You don’t even need an outdoor dining table to do this! You can spread out a blanket and have a picnic. This can add 30 minutes – 1 hour to our daily outdoor time.

2. Spread out a picnic blanket and read stories/do school outside.

When in doubt, spread the picnic blanket out! My children love to be read to, so whenever they ask me to read a story to them and the weather is appropriate, I suggest we go outside to do it. It’s also especially pleasant reading while hearing the birds chirping in the background and feeling the sun on your skin. Just saying. 

3. Go on a family walk after dinner.

Incorporating a family walk into our evening routine after dinner is one way we get extra outside time in the spring and summer. Plus, we get to unplug and connect as a family before bed. It’s a win-win!

4. Start a garden and get your kids involved.

This might be my favorite way to naturally increase daily outdoor time. There are so many benefits to gardening- for both kids and adults! When you have a garden, you have to take care of it daily- from yard work, weeding, watering, harvesting, the list goes on and on of the gardening tasks that need to be done. Having a garden allows us to get outside in the morning to check on the garden no matter what, and my kids love helping out, learning how vegetables grow, and helping me harvest their delicious veggies. Psst- it’s also school!

5. Shop at local farmer’s markets

I am a BIG fan of farmer’s markets for many reasons. Of course, it’s great to support local businesses and farmers, but it also helps us be more intentional about what we purchase, and they’re fun! Many farmer’s markets have treats and fun activities to do with kids, and bonus: more outside time! We shop at our local farmer’s market weekly for groceries in the summer months, but we also visit other markets around the area as kind of just something to do. 

All of these activites can really add up! In the spring and summer, we usually spend between 3-7 hours a day outdoors. Spending time outdoors can be a natural part of your daily routine and rhythms with a little bit of intentional thought and planning. What are your favorite ways to spend time outdoors? 

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Meet the Blogger

Hi! I’m Taylor. I’m a holistic sleep consultant with a passion for non-toxic living, homeschooling, and snuggling babies all night. I know how isolating it can feel to make parenting choices that differ from your family/friends have made. Let’s do this together!

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Gary Petito
Gary Petito
11 months ago

Being a remote worker, I love getting outside whenever I can. I take breaks and drink my morning coffee outside. I hike, bike and walk daily and spend a lot of time at parks and in nature.

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